Community Events in Charlotte, Vermont
The Charlotte Museum, on the corner of Church Hill and Hinesburg roads, will be open from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. each Sunday through Aug. 26. New exhibits this year include a recently acquired portrait of Henry and Elizabeth (Palmer) Thorp, who at one time owned the Thorp Barn in the Charlotte Park & Wildlife Refuge, as well as information and early photographs of the Prindle family, one of Charlotte’s significant early families. This includes Cyrus Guernsey Pringle, renowned botanist who chose to use the old-fashioned surname spelling. For further information, contact Dan Cole at (802) 425-3105 or by email.
Champlain Valley Cohousing will host a BYO picnic and family jazz on the green on Saturday, Sept. 2. Picnic starts at 5:00 p.m., music starts at 6:00 p.m. International recording jazz flutist Elsa Nilsson and drummer Cody Rahn will play Brazilian jazz and original compositions. The green is located at Champlain Valley Cohousing, 27 Common Way, in Charlotte.
A maple-themed bake-off will happen at the East Charlotte Tractor Parade on Oct. 8, hosted by Spear’s Corner Store. Bakers are urged to sign up now. Visitors are the judges who will vote from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m for their favorite baked good. Maple syrup (or flavor) must be an ingredient in the baked good. Please register with Emily. Deadline is Oct. 1.
Parent and child classes
Join the parent and child classes at the Lake Champlain Waldorf School. The classes meet once a week and include circle time with songs and lap games, organic snacks and free play. They are led by early childhood expert Kirsty Gourlay. Each week she shares articles and discusses different aspects of child development and parenting. The program takes place at the All Soul’s Interfaith Gathering off Bostwick Road in Shelburne. Early registration ends Friday, and some of the classes in the fall session are already full. Please contact Pam Graham at (802) 985-2827 ext. 212 or by email for more information.
Registration is open for Ohavi Zedek Hebrew School 2017-18. OZHS offers a dynamic curriculum with learning opportunities for preschoolers through bnai mitzvah. Multi-aged Hebrew language classes, SUPER electives, outdoor education, holiday celebrations, monthly Tot Shabbat and teen internship program. Ohavi Zedek Hebrew School is open to all. Scholarships available for member families. Deadline for application is Sept. 1. For more information visit the website or email Naomi.
Square dance
Learn modern country and western square dance. The Lake Champlain Squares are having two free introductory sessions for new dancers. Tuesdays, Sept. 12 and 19 at 7:30 p.m. at the Frederick H. Tuttle Middle School, 500 Dorset St., in South Burlington. All are welcome. No partner, no special outfit, no equipment and no experience needed. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. There will be snacks, smiles and laughter! See you there! For more information call (802) 985-2012 or (802) 878-2485.
Please email Lynn Monty to list your community event.