What’s happening Around Town with Edd Merritt?
Congratulations to Marty Illick and the Lewis Creek Association who received the eighth annual GMP-Zetterstrom Environmental Award. Named for Meeri Zetterstrom from Milton, it recognizes organizations that deal effectively with ospreys. Marty’s Lewis Creek Association is known for its maintenance of high water quality and conservation.
Congratulations to Marcia Vogler whose artwork was featured in the August 2 Seven Days as part of an exhibit titled “UNBOUND Vol. VII” at ArtisTree Community Arts Center and Gallery, South Pomfret, VT. The exhibit looks at books, what they are and what they can be. Marcia’s two pieces are called “Time Travels” and “Transverse Universe.” “Time Travels” was awarded second prize and is made out of a shredded book; the shreds are linked together, and they coil to look something like a snake.
Congratulations to Stephen Kiernan and David Seaver whose involvement in recent books was listed among “Recommended Summer Reading” in the July 27 Burlington Free Press. Kiernan’s novel, The Baker’s Secret, published by William Morrow/Harper Collins, is set in a bakery in Normandy near the beach the allies would use to invade France to free it from Nazi Germany. Seaver’s photographs appear in a book by Lisa Cassell-Arms, titled Seasons in a Vermont Vineyard: the Shelburne Vineyard Cookbook (Arcadia Publishing). It is to be used, not to be read at leisure.
Congratulations to Putnam Pane and his wife, Dr. Kelly Pettijohn, on the birth of their daughter Roslin Joy (Rosie) Pane on July 16. The proud grandparents are Elizabeth Bassett and John Pane of Charlotte who will fly to California to meet the new granddaughter.
Congratulations to the following students at Rice Memorial High School who earned placement on honor rolls for the fourth quarter of 2016-2017:
First Honors
Cooper Harvey, Andrew Slauterbeck
Second Honors
Moira Brown, Hana Couture, Mahntra Hennessey, John Merrill, Hadley Murphy, Alexa Pughe, Anna Schibli, Grace Slauterbeck
Honorable Mention
Daniel Boardman, Elizabeth Breen, Santiago Vazquez
Congratulations to Chiara Hollender who graduated cum laude from Ithaca College’s School of Humanities and Sciences with a major in theatre studies. She received her degree in May of this year.
Sympathy is extended to family and friends of Robert Allen Haight of Vergennes who passed away July 25 at the age of 68. He was born in Burlington, but the family moved to Charlotte and he attended Charlotte Central School and CVU High School. He is survived by his mother, Jacqueline Haight of Charlotte.
Sympathy is extended to family and friends of Rosalie M. Lavigne of Richmond, VT, who passed away July 25 at the age of 73. Her surviving family includes her son, David Lavigne, and David’s wife, Denise, of Charlotte. The family asks that those wishing to make memorial contributions consider contributing to the American Cancer Society, 55 Day Lane, Williston, VT 05495-1460.
Regional Bite
New chief operations officer of Chittenden South Supervisory Union (CSSU)
As of July 1 Jeanne Jensen has been CSSU’s chief of operations, replacing Bob Mason who held the position for a number of years. Bob served 10 years on CVU and CSSU boards, five years as the chair of the consolidated union board. Prior to that he worked at Aerospace General for 10 years in manufacturing management, overseeing 900 employees. (In point of fact, there were several years following his retirement from Aerospace and mine form the Medical Center when he and I traveled golf courses around northern Vermont on a weekly basis. Bob regularly shot lower scores than I did, but as a result I came closer to getting my money’s worth.) Bob was very interested in improving student outcomes in the K–12 grades. He believed that five separate schools in CSSU reporting to seven separate school boards produced a confusing overlap among superintendent, principals and boards. He was a proponent of further consolidation.
Jeanne has many years of financial experience at IBM and Global Foundries. She, too, served on and chaired both CVU and CSSU boards.