Take a new journey with the Senior Center this summer

Happy Summer!
Come enjoy a specially arranged guided tour though The Vermont Marble Museum on Thursday, July 6. Please meet at the Center by 9:00 a.m. Discover where Vermont marble is used all over the world to highlight significant places and people. Enjoy the new educational room on the current uses of calcium carbonate (marble) in the paper, plastic, food and pharmaceutical industries—for example, chewing gum and … toothpaste! You’ll be surprised! Marvel at the classic statuary carved by the artists of Vermont Marble Company years ago and today’s carved by local sculptors. Meet the resident artist at work in the studio; even participate in the art of carving. Bring a bag lunch and continue to enjoy the museum for the afternoon or head out to nearby Brandon for a leisurely lunch. Registration necessary. Fee: $7.
“Journeys”—An Art Show Reception with Lynn Cummings will be held on Wednesday, July 12, beginning at 1:00 p.m. Petroglyphs, pictographs, ancient carvings and dwellings are some of the inspirations for the “intuitive paintings” in Cummings’ show. The sights, sounds, patterns and color she observes in her travels through Latin America, Europe, the Western US and the South Pacific contribute to her paintings, which she creates through a series of processes and layers. Each time you look at one of these paintings you’ll see something you may not have observed before. Not everything is explained; much is left to the imagination of the viewer. The artist will give a brief talk about her intuitive painting process and what inspired her to create these paintings. Refreshments served. No fee.
Do you enjoy a good laugh and want an entertaining afternoon? Join the Hour Glass Youth Theatre for its production of Shakespeare’s classical, heart-felt play A Midsummer Night’s Dream on Friday, July 14, at 1:00 p.m. Performed by a small group of local youths, this comedy with explore all the colors of the imagination and how imagination itself may break the bonds of reality. Come join Puck as he works his mischief on the pairs of unsuspecting lovers, and witness these magical events as they unfold with unintended disaster and humor. The only question left: what is real? Please let us know you are coming. No fee.
The next Birding Expedition with Hank Kaestner will be on Wednesday, July 19. Please meet at the Center at 9:00 a.m. so we can carpool together to the location Hank has scouted for spectacular bird watching. Good views are guaranteed through Hank’s “Oh my God” telescope. Register for this event, and if we have to change the date due to bird migration or weather, we will call you. Registration necessary. No fee.
Join Phyllis Bartling for Tubing on the White River Tuesday, July 18, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Weather dependent. Affectionately known as the tubing capital of Vermont, “The Stockbridge Yacht Club,” as the locals call it, has the finest tubing on the White River. For $15 you get a tube and a shuttle up the river, and then you are on your own for the three–mile float down the river that takes about two hours—slow enough to just sit back and watch the world go by. The water is no more than a couple of feet deep, but even in its deeper holes the bottom of the river is crystal clear. Enjoy summer in full swing at one of Vermont’s natural playgrounds! A hat, sunscreen and water shoes are recommended. Pack a bag lunch to enjoy at the end of the trip on the shore with fellow tubers. Reservations necessary. We will carpool from the Senior Center. Fee: $15.
Bake for Good with Charlotte Library’s Margaret Woodruff and Susanna Kahn on Thursday, July 20, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Wondering how to make bread? Looking to rekindle your love of baking? Learn, bake and share at this community baking program! The Charlotte Senior Center and the Charlotte Library are teaming up with King Arthur Flour to Bake for Good. Seniors and kids will bake rolls together and donate part of what they make to the Charlotte Senior Center and Charlotte Community Food Shelf. In addition to sampling some of their own baked goods, participants will go home with a recipe booklet, dough scraper and new baking skills. Lunch will be provided and no experience is necessary. Sign up individually or with your grand-friend! For seniors of all ages and kids age 9 and up. Registration required by July 6. Max: 20. No fee.
A Kayak Skills Training Workshop with Jane and Dovid Yagoda of True North Kayak Tours will take place on Thursday morning, July 20, from 8:30 a.m. to noon. The Yagodas, an effective mother/son team, have been paddling for over 12 years each. Both have kayak experience on the open ocean in areas including the Baja peninsula, Block Island Sound and Puget Sound. Most recently they have been exploring Lake Champlain. This skills-based workshop will work on different ways of entering and exiting boats; forward, reverse, turning and stopping strokes; and safety concerns, equipment suggestions and how to tow properly. They will also demonstrate a rescue. This will be a fun session and a special offer for the Charlotte Senior Center! You will need to have your own kayak for this workshop, and a “what to bring” list will be provided once you are registered. Registration necessary. Fee: Please bring $40 on the morning of the training.
New Session Added!
Are you ready for an active summer? Join Ginger Lambert for Fitness for Every Body on Tuesday mornings from 9:15 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Dates: 7/25, 8/1, 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29. Using timed intervals and a series of stations this class will incorporate body weight, light weights and other cardio/strength building tools to boost strength, cardiovascular fitness, agility and flexibility. Joint and ligament issues will be taken into account. Every exercise can be modified for any ability or level of fitness. If you have been looking for a class that challenges you but doesn’t leave you in the dust, then this is for you. Registration necessary. Limit 10. Fee: $10 per class.
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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors