Volunteers needed for Green Up Day in Charlotte
It’s time to grab those green bags and pitch in!
Every year, for 47 years, neighbors join forces to create a litter-free community. In fact, Vermont was the first state to designate a day to clean up the entire state. Green Up Day in Charlotte this year is May 6 and 7.
All it takes is a few free green bags and an hour or two to help keep the tradition alive. This year Charlotte has new Green Up Day coordinators as Ken Spencer and Kim Findlay have replaced Joanna Cummings.
Green Up Day is an annual statewide event where more than 22,000 volunteers come together to remove litter from Vermont’s roadsides and public spaces. More than 50,000 bags of trash are collected annually.
Visit the Charlotte Green Up Day website for helpful links and videos about recycling, composting, reducing the waste stream and more. Sign up for routes in Charlotte on this site and view a map of all town roads. It’s easy to do. Just find the road or section of road you would like to cover on the sign-up page and include the route’s section number on the sign-up form. Longer roads are split up at intersections with other roads. You may do more than one section of road, but sign up for each section so we can track what is available.
Jr and Leslie Lewis have volunteered to make three of their trucks available at the Charlotte Central School Quonset hut to collect Green Up Day bags, tires and scrap metal, so please do not leave bags along the roadside as the town does not pick up bags and neither does the Green Up Day coordinator.
Bring all filled bags, tires and scrap metal collected from roadsides to the Quonset hut at Charlotte Central School on Saturday, May 6, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and on Sunday, May 7, from 9:00 a.m. to noon.
What: Green Up Day
When: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 6, and 9:00 a.m. to noon on Sunday, May 7
Where: The Quonset hut at Charlotte Central School on Charlotte-Hinesburg Road
Info: Visit Charlotte Green Up Day or email Kim Findlay or Ken Spencer.