What exactly is high-level health and well-being and where can I buy some?

Radiant health, also known as high-level health and well-being, is not for sale. It’s free! Check the owner’s manual you received when you were born. What, you say? You did not receive any manual? Oh well, join the crowd.
Please join me for an exciting four-week course that I have designed and will be presenting at the Charlotte Senior Center. I will be teaching in depth about all aspects of designing and living a rich, full, strong, healthy life. The course is called “Aging Gracefully 102: Healthy Body/Healthy Brain.” It begins March 28 and runs for four consecutive Tuesdays—March 28, April 4, 11 and 18—from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Cost is $45 for the entire series. Scholarships are available.
To register and for more information call (802) 318-3857 or visit my website.
In reality, we can all learn what it takes to feel great and live a strong, empowered life. The learning process is designed to be fun, invigorating and joyous. We are designed for self- actualization. Which means we can realize in our lifetime our highest and best self. In her iconic book, The Game of Life and how to Play It, Florence Schovel Sheen writes that we are all entitled by our birthright to certain things, among those being health, wealth, love and perfect self-expression. She goes on to say that there are three simple rules: fearless faith, non-resistance and love.
In my experience, this process of self-actualization usually involves some go-backs and reversals. Our progress can frequently be seen as two steps forward and one step back. One giant step forward is that a growing number of doctors and neuroscientists are now suggesting that we can live a healthy, productive, fulfilling life well into our nineties. How to attain this goal is a topic too lengthy to present here. I will say, however, that a good place to start is to observe ourselves through a mindfulness practice. As Aristotle said, “All knowledge starts with self-knowledge.”
We need to pay attention! In his fascinating book, Island, Aldous Huxley has trained all the parrots on the island to say repeatedly, “Attention here and now, boys and girls, attention here and now.”
Our own self talk can be our best friend or our worst enemy. We can all determine to have a more intentional life by improving our own self talk. Think how good you will feel when you say to yourself repeatedly throughout the day, “I am healthy, intelligent and capable of change. I act from my true nature, always with self-wisdom. I am mindful. I pay attention. I am inspired by new information and new discoveries. I am a self-healing mechanism. I choose to enjoy my life.”
We are designed to grow, learn and evolve into our highest and best selves. Part of the divine plan is that we get to create our own unique journey. It is always helpful to have an inspiring teacher for guidance and direction.
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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors