Senior Center News: March 8

Do you like to tell stories? Know interesting anecdotes? Have personal insight to share? This Reminisce Project is for you! Dr. Barbara Colombo and her students at Champlain College are collecting stories from people living in Vermont—aiming to merge the stories into an artful movie that would honor these memories, sharing their value with an audience. We are planning to video record a short interview with everyone who might be interested—the final decision of what may or may not be included in the final movie will always be given to the interviewees. Please register your interest at the host desk and you will be contacted with a date and time for the interview. Registration necessary. No fee.
Step Aerobics with Pam Lord returns Friday mornings from 8:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. Dates: March 10, 17, 24, 31, April 7, 14, 21 and 28. With a portable platform (provided), you will do choreographed exercise routines up, onto, down and around the step for great cardio fitness, as well as exceptional training to shape the lower body, strengthen and tone muscle groups, and improve coordination. The aerobic benefits are equally effective if you choose to do the workout without the step. Pam was previously certified with the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America and will show you how to perform the moves safely with the correct technique and have you stepping like a pro in no time. Registration necessary. Fee: $56 per session, $7 per class.
Join Hank Kaestner as we begin a new season of Birding Expeditions on Wednesday morning March 15 at 9:00 aq.m. Please meet at the Center so we can carpool together to the location Hank has scouted for spectacular bird watching. Good views are guaranteed through Hank’s “Oh my God” telescope. Register for this event and if we have to change the date due to bird migration or weather, we will call you. Registration necessary. No fee.
Aging Gracefully 102—Healthy Body, Healthy Brain will be the topic with Nancy Somers, life skills coach and certified yoga instructor, on Friday mornings from 9:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Dates: March 24, 31, April 7 and 14. Come and learn how to achieve a healthier and more fulfilling third act. Nancy will be sharing the latest research on brain health and what it takes to maintain high-level health and well-being. This program is designed to increase your personal development. Explore with Nancy how to eliminate senior moments, handle stress, get a good night’s sleep, spark your creativity, and add zest to every area of your life. Nancy’s presentation style is enlightening, entertaining and joyous. Since 1974, Ms. Somers has been a respected teacher and lecturer featured on radio, television and in print media. Registration necessary. Max. 20. Fee: $45.
Hospice and Heart: A Reading and Book Discussion with Library Director Margaret Woodruff and Alice Outwater, Ph.D., on Monday afternoons from 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Dates: March 27, April 3, 10. Author and hospice mentor Pam Heinrich MacPherson opens our book series on March 27 with a reflection on end-of-life care as expressed in her book of poetry, Vigil. Following this introduction, we will read and reflect on The Hummingbird, Stephen Kiernan’s 2015 novel that deals with hospice and healing. Alice Outwater and Margaret Woodruff lead the discussion at the subsequent two meetings. Pam MacPherson will have copies of Vigil; The Hummingbird will be available for checkout through the Charlotte Library. Registration necessary. Max. 14. No fee.
Let’s beat the mud season doldrums by jumping into some colorful Painting Glorious Spring in Watercolor with Lynn Cummings on Tuesday mornings from 9:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Dates: 3/28, 4/4, 4/11, 4/18, 4/25, 5/2. If you haven’t painted lately, get out your supplies, dust them off, sign up for this class and come paint with us! We’ll work on new projects while supporting, encouraging and learning from one another. If you have been painting this winter, bring in a couple of your paintings to share at the first class. Please make sure you receive the materials list at least a week prior to the first class by contacting Lynn. A kit of 12 or more colors and some basic brushes is available from the instructor for a separate fee. Registration necessary. Max. 12. Fee: $154.
A collection of lectures, performances and special events showcasing the diverse interests of our community. Wednesday afternoons beginning at 1:00 p.m. No registration or fee.
3/8. The Battle Against Cancer with Dr. Paul Krapcho. What is cancer? How do we treat and control various cancers? What are the potential side effects in the use of drugs (chemotherapy) to control cancers? Dr. Paul Krapcho, chemistry professor emeritus, will discuss two specific anticancer drugs (doxorubicin and mitoxantrone) as well as research with international collaborators that has led to a drug named pixantrone (initially coded BBR 2778), devoid of cardiotoxicity and approved by the EMA for treatment of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
3/15. Luck o’ the Irish with Orchard Corl and Carlanne Herzog. After enjoying a traditional corned beef and cabbage luncheon, Orchard and Carlanne will lead us in a delightfully spirited St. Patrick’s Day sing-along celebration of classic Irish tunes. Dress the part if you like, but come ready to get your feet tapping and leave with a smile on your face and a song in your heart!
3/22. Accessing Charlotte Library Services 24/7 with Susanna Kahn. Find out about the many online services the library has to offer from downloading ebooks and audiobooks to learning a language to researching genealogy. Bring your own device (smartphone or tablet) for hands-on help getting started. Don’t have a library card yet? Stop by the library or Susanna can get you set up after the talk.
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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors